Our packaging


We were very excited to create our new branding for our WildWash Pet Range and we hope you like it! We wanted the range to be eco inside and out!! Plastic has its place and that place is not in the environment. We want to keep this material where it should be – in the circular economy, where it can be reused and recycled.


Our new bottles are made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic (PCR). We are also the first company in the world to use recycled spray pumps. For such a small company this is a massive achievement and I hope it shows you how passionate we are about protecting our environment. We promise that all our lids are made from at least 50% PCR plastic, but this is much closer to 90%. These bottles are also recyclable so can go straight back into the PCR chain to be recycled and used again. We also promise to cut down on waste plastic in all parts of our production. Our apothecary refuses to accept plastic packaging in anything it receives and they are also actively pursuing wind and solar power being the energy that produces all of our products.